Basic exercises for biceps at home


  • Push up
  • Pull up
  • Exercise with dumbbells
  • Barbell exercise
  • Training frequency and number of repetitions

Biceps is a large muscle of the shoulder that is involved in flexing the forearm at the elbow, shoulder at the shoulder joint, turning and rotating the arms. With the help of training, you can significantly increase and strengthen the muscle on the arm.

The effect of “pumping up” the biceps is achieved not only by training in the gym, but also with self-study at home. There are many exercises for biceps with sports equipment and using their own weight, which, with perseverance and their constant performance will give a good result.


Properly selected exercises with the observance of the technique of performing effectively affect the biceps, increasing its size and strength.

Before any exercise, warm up is needed to warm up the muscles and prevent possible injuries.

Push up

The most accessible exercise, which refers to the base, and does not require additional equipment and accessories. Despite the fact that when performing this type of exercise, the chest muscles and triceps are pumped in as much as possible, almost all the muscles of the body are involved. Some muscles are involved dynamically, while others statically support the body in the desired position. This also applies to the biceps, which is involved in the exercise. In addition, push-ups will increase the triceps, so that the arm will be larger in size and in harmony with the biceps.

Pushing up from the floor, loading the triceps, contributes to enhanced blood circulation in the biceps, which is located in close proximity and activates the metabolism in them. Therefore, the simultaneous training of these muscles gives a much greater result than with their separate study.
To work out a greater number of muscles, you can vary pushups by changing the width of the arms.

Pull up

It refers to the basic exercises and many athletes are considered one of the most effective for increasing biceps. When performing pulling up, the elbow and shoulder joints work, which allows not only increasing the muscles, but also significantly strengthening them. For example, when pumping biceps with the help of simulators, only the muscle of the elbow joint works, isolating all additional muscles.


The biceps are most effectively worked out when tightening with the internal grip when the palms are directed towards themselves:

  • With a narrow grip , the external part of the biceps is worked out. Hands should be together or as close as possible to each other.
  • With an average grip , the inner and outer sides of the biceps are worked through. The palms are a little narrower than shoulder width or at their level.
  • When tightening a wide grip , the external biceps is worked out. Palms in this form of tightening wider shoulders.

The number of exercises and approaches is calculated individually and depends on the physical form, body type, health restrictions.

You need to start with a small number of repetitions, gradually increasing them.

On average, the optimal amount is 3 sets of 10 times.

The maximum result when “pumping up” biceps on a horizontal bar is possible if the correct pulling technique is observed:

  • Pull up should be smoothly without jerks and swinging, using only muscle strength;
  • When tightening, inhaling is done, and when lowering, exhalation is made, without holding the breath.

Exercise with dumbbells

Another effective way to load the biceps, giving a noticeable result in its increase.

An exercise to work out the outer part of the biceps is performed by raising the arms to the chest with the fingers turned up.


Option from a standing position :

  • Become even with the dumbbells in your hands, along the body, palms to the hips.
  • When lifting a sports apparatus, turn your palms upwards.
  • At the top, fix the hands for a few seconds and then slowly lower.
  • Watch your breath. Breathe deeply, exhaling as you flex your arms and inhale, lowering them.
  • The movements are made by the biceps themselves without swinging and using the body.
  • Elbows need to be fixed parallel to the body, not pushing forward when lifting dumbbells.
  • Choose the right weight so that you can do 7-10 repetitions, feeling the load on the muscles of the arms.
  • You can perform this exercise alternately, raising one hand, lowering the other or with both hands at the same time.

Lifting dumbbells from sitting position:

  • You need to sit on a chair or bench, with arms down with sports equipment along the body, fingers to yourself.
  • Slowly lift the dumbbells by flexing the elbow of the arm while turning the hand up.
  • Control your breathing, exhaling while raising, and taking a deep breath, lowering your arms.
  • Exercise can be started from 7-10 times for 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the weight.

Option with fixing the hand.

Such an exercise is called a concentrated bench press:

  • Sitting on a stool, legs apart a little, rest your elbow on the inside of the leg at the knee.
  • Slowly lift the dumbbell, bending the arm at the elbow, turning the hand in the phase when the forearm is parallel to the floor. At the top, fix your hand for a few seconds and, while slowly lowering it, unfold the brush to its initial state.


  • Do the same for the other hand.

Hammer (hammer) with dumbbells.

Another type of training biceps with dumbbells, which is worked out the inner part. The exercise is performed with both hands synchronously and alternately.

Proper execution:

  • Sitting or standing, take a dumbbell, brush to the thigh.
  • Raise the dumbbells, keeping your back level. The elbow is fixed and does not move up.
  • At the top of the lift hold the dumbbells for a couple of seconds, and then slowly lower it, not reaching the point of muscle relaxation. In the lower position, they should be bent at the elbow and tense.


The amplitude of movement is like a hammer blow, in slow motion.

This exercise is performed without scrolling the forearm when raising the arms, always with a brush inside.

Barbell exercise

If you have a barbell at home, you can and should do exercises with it that develop the muscles of the arms.

Not everyone has such sports equipment, so you can try using fantasy and improvised tools to make similar sports equipment.

This exercise is simple in execution, but requires compliance with the correct technique.


It is important to choose the right weight of the inventory so that the bar is not too light, but not too heavy.

  • To take the right stance, it is better to become, holding the barbell in your hands, with your back to the wall.
  • Only with the muscular effort of the hands, as you exhale, lift the barbell to your chest, fix it for a few seconds and slowly return to its original state.
  • At the bottom of the hands you need to keep slightly bent, which will not allow the biceps to relax completely, providing a constant load on him.

The grip plays a big role in activating different parts of the biceps:

  • A narrow grip, palms to himself, when the hands are at a distance already shoulder width, affects the outer part of the biceps.
  • A wide grip when the palms are wider than the shoulders, more working on the inside of the muscle.

When lifting, the barbell, back and elbows should remain in place without helping to lift it.

Training frequency and number of repetitions

It is advisable to do exercises from 1 to 3 times a week, alternating loads with days of rest. Such a regime will give time for recovery and increase the efficiency of muscle growth.

Beginners optimally relax 2 days after training due to the slow recovery of the fibers in unprepared for the muscles. The better physical training, the more often you can do the exercises, bringing them up to 5 times a week.

There is an opinion that in order to pump up the biceps, we need training for wear. Proponents of this theory argue that under heavy loads there are micro-tears in the muscle fibers, and when they heal, biceps grows. Adherents of this method need enhanced nutrition and more time to recover. At the initial stages of this method of training is contraindicated, as there is a high probability of injury. And to restore the stretched or torn tendon will take a lot of time and, possibly, medical care.

Muscles can get used to the same load and stop their growth, so the load must be both increased and reduced, change the types of exercises, their intensity.
After each month of training, you need to change the training program.

When performing exercises at home, you must observe regularity. In the absence of a coach, motivation is needed for regular classes.

Biceps is an important muscle for a man. To increase muscle, you need to choose the right exercises and in parallel to develop other muscles of the body. More effectively biceps looks on the general background of the sports body.