How is thrush in men?


  • Description
  • When does thrush appear in men?
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Causes
  • Chronic form
  • Consequences of thrush

Disease of the urogenital system, which is characterized by a common symptom – white bloom, was called thrush or candidiasis. Infection occurs due to the ingress and abundant spread of yeast-like fungi, on the envelope of the genital organs.


Mushrooms Candida – unicellular organisms oval. Of the 186 species of such a fungus studied, the most common are Candida albicans, which can exist on the body and in the human body, causing disease.


In favorable conditions for themselves, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, penetrating into human cells. Under their influence, cells are destroyed and fill the body with toxins.
In case of contact with an unfavorable environment for itself, the fungus surrounds itself with a protective sheath, due to which it can persist for a long time, waiting for a suitable living environment.

Favorable breeding conditions for thrush:

  • Weak alkaline environment
  • High humidity
  • Constant temperature 36-37 C.

When does thrush appear in men?

Microorganisms of the Candida family are present in small quantities in the microflora of the sexual penis in absolutely healthy men. The danger they begin to present in the rapid reproduction and the creation of large areas of mucosal lesions.

Predisposing factors to the appearance and development of the disease:

  • Constant stress and long psycho-emotional stress.
    • Lack of vitamins and nutrients.
    • hypothermia of the body.
    • Prolonged use of antibiotics.
    • Metabolic disorders, overweight.
    • Venereal and other diseases of the genitourinary system.
    • Promiscuous and unprotected sex.
    • Non-personal hygiene.

These factors reduce immunity and increase the risk of infection with thrush.

Signs and symptoms

Thrush in men is characterized by inflammation of the external mucous membranes of the penis.

The first sign of inflammation is itching and the appearance of a film or powdery plaque on the head of the penis. This fungus affects the mucous membrane, as a result of which reddening and swelling of the tissue occurs.


In most cases, the genital head is first infected. After a time, the infection spreads to the foreskin, urethra and prostate gland. It may spread to the groin, scrotum and the area between the buttocks.

Depending on the area of ​​infection, the following types of thrush are distinguished:

Candida balanitis – the defeat of the glans penis.

Candida urethritis – the spread of fungi in the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Candida cystitis is the next stage of the disease when bacteria infect the bladder.

Common symptoms of thrush:

  • Swelling, redness of the foreskin and the head of the penis.
  • Burning, itching of the penis. They can be both permanent and occur periodically.
  • Pain during erection, after or during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain and burning when urinating.
  • The appearance of cheesecake on the head, which may be accompanied by a specific smell.
  • Dry head.
  • Turbidity of urine.
  • Discharges of thick mucus, similar to semen.
  • Increased libido due to constant irritation of the head and flesh.

These symptoms may also indicate the presence of other genital infections with thrush.

In approximately 15% of cases of thrush, men do not show symptoms of the disease.

In some cases, a rash may appear on the sexual organ for a short period. Often this phenomenon is observed after taking alcohol. Many men do not attach much importance to this symptom, associating it with allergic reactions to alcohol.

When thrush reduces the function of the endocrine system, there is a deterioration of immunity, herpes appears, hypovitaminosis develops. These phenomena are characterized by irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite.


The most common cause of fungus in men is unprotected sexual intercourse.

Thrush is transmitted from man to woman, and vice versa.

In women, thrush is detected 4 times more often than in men. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the male urogenital system, from which the yeast fungus is easier washed out during urination. And if the man is not compromised immune system, the body itself displays foreign bodies, which fall on the penis.

Signs of thrush begin to appear in a few hours to 1-2 weeks after intercourse.

In some cases, self-development of candidiasis is possible. With a weakened immunity on the mucous surface of the organs, a favorable environment for the growth of fungi is created, and they begin to infect the genitalia.

Due to the vitality of the fungus, they can be infected through clothing and various objects.

Many candidates are on food, especially in the sweet. Together with food, they can get into the body and with a weakened immunity manifest on the mucous membranes. Therefore, excessive consumption of sweets and other foods high in carbohydrates creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of fungi.

With normal immunity, the growth of candida is restrained by the microflora of the body, and when it is weakened, intensive reproduction of thrush occurs.

Chronic form

When late detection and treatment of thrush, it becomes chronic. In this form, candidiasis is manifested by frequent relapses. A man in the period of attenuation of relapse may feel good, at the same time be a carrier of the disease.

In the chronic course of the disease, the infection can spread to the urogenital system, skin, intestines and lungs.

Consequences of thrush

The danger of thrush for men is as follows:

  • Development of balanoposthitis– inflammation of the glans penis.
    • Development of cicatricial phimosis is possible – the foreskin is narrowed, and many other infections get through the scars.
    • The quality of sex life is deteriorating . Due to constant itching, early ejaculation occurs, or vice versa, the sensitivity of the head decreases.
    • Very often with thrush infection with other sexually transmitted diseases.
    • May cause urethritis .

Read:  Prevention of male urethritis

  • Lesions of the prostate gland and the occurrence of prostatitis.

Read: What are the causes of prostatitis

  • An enlarged and thickened lymph nodesin the groin, due to the body’s attempts to remove toxins from the lymph.

All the consequences of thrush do not develop immediately, but only in the absence of proper treatment. Therefore, in order to prevent complications, it is necessary to cure thrush and neutralize the cause of its occurrence.