Proper exercise exercises “vacuum” for the abdomen


  • Benefit
  • Vacuum lying – the right technique
  • Vacuum on all fours
  • Vacuum sitting
  • Standing vacuum
  • Fundamental rules
  • Schedule and training time

Exercise “Vacuum” for the abdomen should be included in the overall set of activities to reduce the abdomen and bring it to the ideal form. This complex should include exercise, stressing the stomach, adherence to a proper diet and diet, following a healthy lifestyle. The exclusivity of “Vacuum” is the ability to narrow the waist and tighten the stomach.


Vacuum trains and strengthens the transverse abdominal muscles that support the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract. With weak and untrained muscles, you can observe a hanging belly in both full and thin people.


With the help of the vacuum, the abdominal muscles are tightened and strengthened, tightening and holding the abdomen, which will not bulge and fall out. This exercise strengthens the muscles in the lower back, prevents and reduces pain in it.

Involving the abdomen, massage the viscera, improves the work of the abdominal organs, stimulating the digestive processes.


Exercise “Vacuum” was borrowed from yoga and used in fitness for a long time. The effectiveness of his experienced on being a bodybuilder, Arnold Schwarzenegger. With a large muscle mass, he had a narrow waist with a drawn in abdomen, which visually increased the back even more, giving a beautiful V shape.

Vacuum lying – the right technique

To master the exercise, you need an easy way – from a supine position on the back.
In this embodiment, the exercise is facilitated by the force of gravity, which will act on the stomach.

Technique of performance :
• Starting position – lying with knees bent together, arms parallel to the body.
• Breathe in through the nose and deep expiration through the mouth with a maximum, but smooth suction in the abdomen. Hold the stomach in and out for 10-15 seconds. Try as much as possible to pull the abdominal muscles.
• Loosen up your muscles, start breathing fully.
• Do the pulling 3 times.

If it is hard to hold your breath, take small breaths while holding the abdomen retracted. If there is not enough air, stop the exercise, and restore breathing. Start retracting from 5 seconds until you learn to control the air retention.

Exercise can be performed several times during the day, but preferably with an empty stomach. Gradually increase the time at which the stomach will be retracted to 60 seconds and 5 approaches, but without experiencing discomfort.

Vacuum on all fours

If you feel that you can easily cope with the previous exercise, begin to perform more complex, from a kneeling position and hands. In this version of the exercise, the force of attraction will work against you.


Get on your knees and straight arms. Making a strong exhalation, the stomach is drawn in as much as possible, the back is arched up, the head drops down. Stand in this position for 15-20 seconds at the initial stage, gradually bringing up to 1 minute by 5 approaches.

Vacuum sitting

The following type of exercise is done from a sitting position. Also, a strong breath is taken with maximum abdominal siphoning. The back should not rely on anything.


Standing vacuum

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  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose.
  • Bend forward slightly, slightly bending your knees, bend your back upwards. Rest your hands on your knees, press your chin to your chest. Take a deep breath and, exhaling, suck in the stomach.
  • Sit in this position for 20 seconds, and then relax, breathing in the air. Repeat 3-5 times.

When you master this technique you can do an exercise with a flat back.

This type of exercise is considered difficult and it is desirable to practice it when you go through previous ways with ease.

Video of the exercise standing vacuum:

Fundamental rules

  • For the effectiveness of this exercise, it must be performed 2 times a day, morning and evening, on an empty stomach.
    • Start with a short belly up to 10-15 seconds and with a small number of repetitions. For example, start with 3 approaches.
    • Run time and number of repetitions increase gradually.
    • Watch your breathing while doing the exercises. First, breath in with the mouth, and then the maximum exhalation through the nose, strongly drawing in the stomach. If it becomes difficult to breathe, you need to finish the exercises and gradually increase the time for completion with the following approach.
    • To achieve the effect, exercise should be performed regularly, but alternated with days for rest. Train yourself to do the exercise immediately after waking up.

Schedule and training time

How many times to do the exercise, and what time, you need to count, focusing on your body and well-being. Acceptable load can be determined by focusing on breathing: when exhaling becomes hard, the exercise must be completed and rest.

With each new exercise, try to hold your breath even longer. Starting from 10-20 seconds, bring the duration to 60 seconds in 1 approach.

For beginners, the following training schedule is recommended:

A weekTime secondsNumber of approaches

Do exercises every other day, for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Do not exercise every day. Any muscles should both be stressed and relaxed to recover.

Exercise vacuum can be performed at any time throughout the day, pulling in the abdomen and holding it without holding your breath. In this case, the stomach is very much not need to, the back should be flat. It is advisable to do a pull before eating.

Exercise Vacuum combined with other workouts, proper nutrition, with regular and reasonable exercise will help reduce the waist, remove the hanging belly, strengthen the abdominal muscles, increase their tone and endurance, stimulate the stomach and improve posture.