Symptoms and causes of impotence depending on age


  • What is meant by impotence
  • Types, forms and causes of impotence
  • Types of impotence and age

Impotence can manifest itself in various forms, any of which ultimately leads not only to problems in the intimate sphere, but also negatively affects the psyche of a man. Previously, sexual dysfunction overtook mainly pensioners, and today the problem has become relevant for young people.

What is meant by impotence

A man with normal potency is excited under certain conditions, resulting in a confident erection that lasts throughout the entire sexual contact, which ends in orgasm and ejaculation. This is the result of the implementation of a whole chain of interdependent sequential signals and actions in the male body, so a failure in each individual link destabilizes the entire process.

You can talk about impotence in those cases if:

  • man is not able to become aroused;
  • excitement occurs only at the psycho-emotional level, there is no reaction from the penis;
  • an erection occurs, but is unstable. Its duration and quality is not enough to complete the act;
  • the sexual organ lacks hardness to make progressive movements;
  • ejaculation is too delayed, does not occur at all or is too fast.

All of the above are signs of impotence, but only if these phenomena are often repeated or permanently present. One-off failures, objectively caused by severe fatigue, dissatisfaction with a partner, alcohol intoxication , are not symptoms of impotence. But if the sexual inclination is progressively weakening, and the “misfires” in bed are becoming more frequent, then this is a reason to worry and start looking for the cause.

Types, forms and causes of impotence

Sexual dysfunction manifests itself in various forms, depending on the causes provoking it. There are men who have never had normal sexual intercourse ( primary impotence ). But in most cases, impotence is secondary , that is, it is caused by external physical or psychological factors: organic and psychogenic. In the first case, sexual dysfunction is due to the state of physical health of the man, and in the second, impaired conduction of nerve impulses.

Organic impotence

A common cause of organic impotence is urological diseases, which many men do not associate with failures in intimate life.

Severe consequences are caused by inflammation of the testicle or its appendage, which resulted in the formation of scar tissue. As a result, a violation of the secretory function of the glands leads to an insufficient synthesis of testosterone , and the sexual desire significantly decreases .

Chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate, adenoma (benign prostate tumor) and colliculitis are very dangerous – inflammation in the seminal tubercle (this is a small formation in the urethra sector passing through the prostate). The tissues of these organs are permeated with a huge number of nerve plexuses and endings, the irritation of which has a direct impact on the degree of brightness of the orgasmic sensations. If, due to inflammation, healthy tissue is partially replaced by scar, then the receptors become smaller, their ability to transmit impulses to the sexual centers of the spinal cord decreases. First, ejaculation starts to occur much faster, and then comes the weakening of erection . As a result, neuroreceptor impotence develops.

Since the physical component of an erection depends on the speed and quality of the blood supply to the penis, impotence can also be provoked by problems with the vessels. The cause may be atherosclerosis, diabetes, a passive lifestyle. At the same time, to achieve a full-fledged erection with time, more and more time and effort are required.

Psychogenic impotence

Psychogenic (cortical, cerebral) impotence – are various manifestations of sexual dysfunction associated with impaired formation of impulses in the cerebral cortex. The cause of development is usually phobias, experiences, often children’s fears, guilt after betrayal. Sustained rejection of sex can occur even at the sight of a birthmark or due to the anatomical features of the structure of the female organs of the genital organs.

The cerebral cortex forms stimulating or inhibiting impulses that regulate the processes of erection and ejaculation. Manifestations of sexual dysfunction depend on the predominance of one or another type of signal due to the violation of the processes of their formation. There are several types of cortical impotence:

  • inhibition of sexual excitability . An erection is most often present, but the quality of intercourse is reduced, after it there is a weakness, headaches. The disorder can be caused by depression, chronic stress, apathy, and neurasthenia. Organic changes in the body are absent. There is also a congenital form of reduced sexual excitability – hypoesthesia;
  • inhibition of erection : the member loses its shape before the start of sexual contact, ejaculation is often absent. Sexual desire is normal. At night, against the background of erotic dreams, excitement and ejaculation are possible, but due to failures in real life, the erection eventually disappears completely;
  • cortical aspermatism – inhibition of ejaculatory function, expressed in the absence of orgasm and ejaculation, although sexual desire and erection are normal. And during erotic dreams, when the inhibitory effect is turned off, orgasm is possible.

The dominance of excitatory signals manifests itself too fast, almost unconscious ejaculation, occurring even with a sluggish member.

It is also possible cortical-spinal impotence , which is caused by damage to the sacral or lumbar spine, where the sex centers (ejaculation and erectional) are located, due to trauma, compression of the tumor, diseases (myelitis, sclerosis, jerky). Symptoms arise depending on which of the centers intensively produces stimulating or inhibiting impulses.

The cause of psychogenic impotence is often chronic prostatitis, not only because of the exhaustion of the nerve endings of the glandular tissues, but also because of painful sensations.

Types of impotence and age

Young men are mostly characterized by a psychogenic form of impotence, in which normal sex life is disturbed due to internal experiences, uncertainty, and lack of experience. Problems with arousal often arise only under certain circumstances. Spontaneous night and morning erections while preserved.

In sexually active young people, functional spinal impotence is often encountered, which is the result of the “fatigue” of the sexual centers due to too frequent masturbations or sexual contacts. At the same time, the length of time before ejaculation increases, then the orgasm becomes practically unattainable due to the weak impulse response to physical stimulation.

In some young men, the lack of sexual desire is associated with a “mumps” (parotitis), which was complicated by bilateral orchitis (testicular inflammation). At a young age, impotence can also be due to congenital hypoplasia of the testes – hypogonadism. Too high excitability is characteristic of persons who have had epidemic encephalitis.

In men from 30 to 50 years, often the quality of sexual contacts and the brightness of the orgasmic sensations decrease due to the exhaustion of the sexual centers of the spinal cord, provoked by chronic prostatitis , testicular inflammation and the seed tubercle. The first signal is the disappearance of night and morning erections, later the erection begins to periodically disappear during sexual intercourse.

After about 50 years, the functions of the male genital glands begin to fade. This is a natural process, however, in some it takes up to 70 years, while others forget about sexual relations much earlier.

Common causes and symptoms of impotence

A number of factors have a negative effect on potency at any age:

  • sedentary lifestyle . Congestive processes in the pelvic organs can cause prostatitis . Because of the slowed down blood circulation, the vessels lose their elasticity, and blood is delayed in the groin area when excited. For this reason, even men under the age of 20 can suffer from impotence: there is almost no sexual attraction to the opposite sex, an erection is sluggish, unstable, difficult to reach, orgasm is achieved for a long time;
  • smoking and alcohol . Alcohol in small doses in some cases can stimulate an erection and improve the quality of sexual contact, especially with psychological stress. However, its regular use, like smoking, destroys blood vessels, has a depressant effect on the production of testosterone due to fatty tissue degeneration of the testicular tissue. At a young age, the negative effect of bad habits may still not be so pronounced, but after 30-40 years a healthy man begins to notice that it becomes more difficult to maintain a stable erection: sexual intercourse is more often divided into several stages, when the penis goes limp and rises only when it is strengthened. stimulation;
  • food . Abuse of fast food, fast carbohydrates, refined food indirectly affects the potency: the condition of the vessels, gastrointestinal tract, blood composition worsens. Cumulative negative effect will manifest to 35-40 years;
  • stress . Physical fatigue does not have such a negative impact on the ability to complete sexual intercourse, like chronic stress. This is the reason why very young men become impotent unnoticed: sex is wanted less and less, its quality deteriorates, and often the absence of an orgasm, since the transmission of nerve impulses is blocked by psychological clamping;
  • overweight . Fat is an “estrogen factory.” It produces female sex hormones, which gradually begin to dominate over the male. The problem concerns men of all ages. Most during sexual intercourse quickly get tired physically, as a result of arousal disappears irrevocably, to the fore the struggle with dyspnea.

Regularly repeated unsuccessful sexual intercourse or loss of interest in intimate relationships is a reason to contact an urologist-andrologist or a sex therapist. First of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases. In other cases, the doctor will explain how to adjust your lifestyle, outline a range of possible solutions to psychological problems, prescribe a course of sedatives, physiotherapy.

In no case can not independently acquire and use the funds for potency, affecting the vessels. Many manufacturers do not regulate the presence of potent substances (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil) as part of their preparations. An unpredictable reaction is possible in the form of a strong allergy, cardiac arrest, renal failure.

Any drug therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Independently with the initial signs of the onset of impotence, it is important to reconsider the diet, introduce more motor activity, minimize bad habits.

Impotence with rare exceptions is the “merit” of the man himself: an irresponsible attitude to his health, expressed in bad habits, unaccustomed organism to physical exertion. At a young age, beer alcoholism ruins sexuality the fastest , and in a mature age the accumulative effect of bad habits makes itself felt, poor physical fitness. It is important to notice the signs of impotence in time and take action. Currently, there are plenty of options to return an erection, the last of which is prosthetic member, but it is easier and cheaper to correct your condition at the initial stages of pathology.