Useful properties of lemon and contraindications


  • Description
  • Composition
  • What is the use of lemon?
  • Lemon application
  • Possible harm
  • Selection, storage and consumption standards

Due to its beneficial properties, lemons are widely used in cooking, medicine and even perfumery. Lemon is a record holder for vitamin C content, therefore it is successfully used as an anti-cold remedy. In addition, he has a number of useful qualities.


Lemon refers to the fruits of the citrus genus and the plant on which they grow. The plant is a small evergreen tree that reaches a height of 8 meters. Lemon fruits in autumn, having egg-shaped, oval-shaped fruits up to 9 cm long and about 7 cm in diameter. Ripe greenish-yellow lemons and sour taste, unripe fruits have a bitter taste.


The homeland of lemon is considered to be India, China and the islands of the Pacific Ocean of tropical latitudes. The first mention of lemon occurs in the 12th century. Then he was brought to the countries of the Middle East and South Asia, as well as the USA, Spain, Italy and other lands with a suitable climate for him.

From one adult tree can be collected from 200 to 300 lemons. Citrus consists of 60% pulp and 40% peel.


100 g of peeled lemon contains:

ComponentWeight / g
Macro and trace elements
Copper240 mcg
Fluorine10 mcg
The nutritional value
Calories29-34 kcal
Organic acids5.7
Alimentary fiber2-3
AT 60.06
B99 mcg
A2 mcg

What is the use of lemon?

Lemons are useful and effective in stimulating the body’s defenses and dealing with colds. This is facilitated by the content of vitamin C. In addition, the medicinal qualities of lemons are manifested:

  • stimulation of the heart;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • relief of headaches;
  • improved digestion;
  • the ability to remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • suppression of flatulence;

In the complex of preventive and therapeutic measures, lemon also helps with:

  • viral colds;
  • difficult evacuations;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • gastritata with low pH;
  • avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis;
  • cinge;
  • angina;
  • hypertension;

Lemon is one of the best natural remedies for strengthening the immune system.

Thanks to its components, lemon normalizes alkaline balance in the body. It is able to dissolve uric acids and other toxic substances, helping the liver to work. The use of lemon in its pure form or its juice, diluted with water, improves the motility of the stomach and intestines, which contributes to the removal of waste from them and relieves constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids .

The acid of lemon juice tends to dissolve stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. The presence of a large amount of vitamin C neutralizes and removes free radicals, which helps to slow down aging and is a cancer prevention.

From the middle of the 12th century, lemon was used to fight worms. Its detrimental effect on malaria, cholera, diphtheria and typhoid bacteria was also noticed.


Lemon fruits help stabilize the pressure and clean the blood vessels. For these purposes, a mixture of garlic and lemon is popular in traditional medicine .

Known benefits of lemon when applied externally. Its nutrients help to get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Lemon has proven to be an effective remedy for rashes, boils and fungal skin diseases.

Lemon application

Lemon is eaten fresh, and juice and skin are used. Its sliced ​​lobules have a pleasant taste and decorate different dishes beautifully. Very often, the peel and the insides of a lemon are used for confectionery, making non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. Lemon is served as an appetizer to an aperitif and digestif .

Tea with lemon is very popular and useful . Such a drink will help to cheer up and fill the body with energy for the whole day, if you drink it in the morning. It should be remembered that in hot water above 60 C, lemon loses most of its beneficial properties. Therefore, it should be added to the cup with the already brewed tea last, and let it brew for a while.

The preferred option is the use of water with lemon . Such a drink has more beneficial properties and has a sparing effect on the stomach and heart.

Originality to taste is given by its addition to a cup of coffee.

Read: What kind of coffee is harmful and what is good?

Lemon and honey , diluted in warm water, protect against urinary tract infections, being a good diuretic. This drink will help with cystitis and constipation. Honey , like lemon, has strong antibacterial properties, doubly protects the body from infections. The combination of honey with lemon is recommended by nutritionists to reduce the acidity of the latter.

For the manufacture of lemonade, which is very popular due to its sour-sweetened taste and refreshing effect, the main ingredient is lemon juice.

All components of lemon: lemon juice, peel, used for the best taste and smell of drugs.

Possible harm

As a rule, lemon is well absorbed by people of any age, but it can be harmful if there is an allergy to citrus fruits.

Allergy to lemon does not depend on the amount eaten. If the body does not perceive this product, one gram is enough to provoke allergic reactions.

The body in this case can react with itching, redness of the skin and a rash on it. In very rare cases, allergies may cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. So people from the use of lemons and products from it will have to be abandoned.

Due to the increased acidity, when eating lemons, the destruction of tooth enamel is possible. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the contact of citric acid with the teeth. In the case of drinking, you can use cocktail tubes, and if there is a fresh lemon, try to rinse the mouth cavity with clean water after eating.
Lemon and products based on it are contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.

Selection, storage and consumption standards

When choosing lemons should pay attention to its color, brilliance and smoothness. The more yellow the lemon, the greater the likelihood that it is fully ripe, which means it has more beneficial properties.

Overripe lemons of a pale appearance, with folds, soft with spots on a peel. In such a lemon is much less good than in ripe.

You can try to restore juiciness of dried lemon, dropping it in cold water.

The heavier the lemon, the thinner its skin. In such fruits, more minerals and vitamins.

For lemons, the optimal storage location is a refrigerator or a room with a temperature of 6-7 C. In this mode, they can be stored for about six months. At lower or higher temperatures, the shelf life is reduced to a month. The shelf life of the started lemon is up to 14 days.

Doctors and nutritionists did not come to a consensus on the rate of consumption of lemons. It is for each individual and depends on the weight, age and method of use of lemons. For some, it will be enough to have a glass of water with a lemon juice on an empty stomach, and someone will not harm a couple of whole lemons during the day. Like any product, lemons should be consumed in moderation, so that all the useful components of a wonderful product are absorbed by the body and bring benefits.