How can a man get rid of thrush?


  • Who to contact?
  • Ointments and creams
  • Pills
  • Folk remedies
  • Hygiene
  • Prevention

If symptoms and signs of thrush were detected , laboratory confirmation for the treatment of the disease is necessary. This is due to the fact that along with candidiasis can penetrate into the body or worsen other sexually transmitted infections.

Who to contact?

So, as thrush most often affects the surface of the glans penis and the urogenital system, it is necessary to consult a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of problems of the urinary system. Such a doctor is a urologist . Based on the tests and smears, they will be diagnosed and given a treatment to eliminate the causes of the disease, as well as to eliminate the associated diseases.

When diagnosing a disease, it is also necessary to check the sexual partner for joint treatment in order to achieve effective results. Treatment is assigned to both partners. In the course of treatment, it is necessary to completely abstain from sex and alcohol.

When diagnosing only candida fungi, local therapy with ointments and tablets for oral administration is most often used. It is necessary to try to avoid reinfection, since using the same ointments and preparations in fungi develop protection for them.

Ointments and creams


A prerequisite for the use of creams and ointments for the treatment of fungal diseases is intimate hygiene. Ointments and creams are applied to clean skin 2-3 times a day. Most commonly appointed:

Clotrimazole. A broad-spectrum cream aimed at slowing the growth and killing of microorganisms of most pathogenic fungi, including candida. The cream also has a trichonomacid action. The cream is applied to clean and dry lesions with massaging movements 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor and can last from 1 to 6 weeks.


Miconazole. In identifying the effect of miconazole on the fungus, an ointment with the same name of the main component is administered. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases with reduced immunity. It is applied twice a day by light rubbing on the infected areas. The course of treatment lasts 2-6 weeks. After the disappearance of the disease continues to apply ointment for a week to consolidate the effect.

Pimafucin Due to macrolide antibiotic natamycin, which is an active ingredient in the ointment, it effectively fights harmful fungal microorganisms. On the affected area of ​​the head is applied 1-4 times per day for 2-3 weeks.

Candide . Ointment with the active active ingredient clotrimazole has antifungal effect due to its ability to destroy the cell membranes of fungi. When membranes are destroyed, the cells and their systems dissolve. Cream or gel is applied and rubbed onto clean skin 2 or 3 times a day. Treatment is recommended to continue for another 4 weeks after the disappearance of symptoms of the disease.

Lomexin (Lomexin). Delays, stops the growth of fungi and neutralizes them. Rubbed on clean, dry skin in the areas of lesion 1-2 times a day, usually at night. The course of treatment occurs within 1 or 2 weeks.

Triderm (Triderm). The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, antibacterial and antifungal effects. In small quantities applied to the affected area twice a day for 14-28 days.

In the chronic form of the disease, ointments and creams are used to treat thrush as an auxiliary antifungal agent.


The main treatment for fungal infections are drugs for internal use. These drugs include systemic antifungal pills:

Fluconazole . Tablets with a pronounced antifungal effect. It is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and effectively inhibits the ability of the fungus to reproduce and the trace elements themselves. It is taken one tablet per day, due to the long period of elimination from the body. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician and can be from a week to a month at different intervals for each specific case. Fluconazole is also used in the treatment of cystitis .


Diflucan, Fucis . Similar drugs in content and mode of action. The optimal dosage is prescribed individually, based on the pathology and neglect of the disease.

Folk remedies

Garlic is used to alleviate the symptoms of thrush and enhance immunity .

Read : What is useful and when garlic is dangerous for the body

Garlic is eaten, as well as used to lubricate the affected areas of the penis. To do this, it is crushed to the formation of gruel, mixed with olive oil or fat cream and applied to the lesion by a fungus. Hold up a burning sensation and thoroughly wash with warm water.

Treatment of thrush soda. A soda solution can be used to get rid of the symptoms. For this, 1 tsp of soda is dissolved in 1 liter. warm water and add 1 teaspoon of iodine. The resulting solution is washed the affected area of ​​the penis or baths are made.

For the disposal of toxins and enzymes secreted by Candida fungi, potassium permanganate isused . It dissolves in the amount of 0.5 mg in 200 ml of pure warm water. This solution is done washing the head 1 time per day for 10 days.

Effectively struggling with thrush solution from furatsilina . To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 furatsilina tablet in a glass with warm water and wash the infected skin surface.

As a treatment for thrush, herbal baths are used. Effective are chamomile, clove, calendula, St. John’s wort, and eucalyptus , infusions of which are also useful to use inside.

To prepare the infusion, 2-3 tablespoons of healing herbs should be placed in an enamel bowl and pour 200 ml. hot boiled water, close the lid and infuse for 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature and strain. From the rest, also squeeze the whole tincture and bring the total volume to 200 ml, topping up with boiled water.

The resulting tincture is used as compresses, baths and washing the penis. Baths and compresses should be used within 2-3 minutes.

It should be noted that herbal baths can only relieve inflammation, but do not have an antifungal effect and cannot eliminate the cause of the disease.

Therefore, such procedures can be considered as an adjunct to the main treatment, and used as prevention.


When treating and for the prevention of thrush it is necessary to follow the basic rules of hygiene:

  • Wash hands before and after using the toilet. Dirty hands are a common cause of fungi causing bacteria.
  • Daily wash the genitals using soaps and gels that do not destroy the microflora on the body.
  • During treatment, it is advisable to take a bath and wash in the shower.
  • Daily change underwear, which should be from natural fabrics and not interfere with natural ventilation.


To avoid trouble in the form of thrush and its consequences, you must:

  • Adhere to the hygiene of the genitals.
  • Use contraception during sexual intercourse.
  • Adhere to a healthy diet, especially eliminating sweets and foods high in carbohydrates.
  • Strengthen immunity, observing a healthy lifestyle.

For a full and rapid recovery in the treatment of thrush it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, which includes taking medications to improve immunity, tablets and ointments to eliminate fungi, diet and hygiene of the genitals.