The benefits and harms of walnuts


  • Walnut in nature
  • What are the benefits of walnuts?
  • Rules of use
  • Folk recipes
  • Contraindications
  • Use of walnut oil

The use of walnuts in the human diet has a long history. There are legends about the benefits: a secret component for the elixir of eternal youth, and the projection of the human brain as a storehouse of the wisdom of the ancestors, and the secret of male power. This article will help you figure out what really is true.

Walnut in nature

It’s no secret that a walnut is a useful product, as it contains many vitamins and amino acids. Both kernels and shells are used. It grows very well not only in the southern regions of the country, but also in the central part, and with proper care even in its northern parts.

Trees grow beautiful, razlapistye, reach a height of 35 m. Fruits ripen in autumn, by September.

What are the benefits of walnuts?

Scope of a walnut is wide: both in national, and in traditional medicine; and thanks to the bactericidal, tonic, astringent and antihelminthic effects, it is used in the manufacture of medicines.
Besides the fact that traditional medicine makes extensive use of decoctions of young leaves of walnut (a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect), the kernels themselves are even more useful.

They include many irreplaceable substances:

  • vitamins A, B1 and B2, C, E, F;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Despite the high level of fat in the chemical composition (about 75%), it normalizes blood cholesterol, as it includes polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, with regular inclusion in the diet can protect against atherosclerosis, hypertension and other heart diseases and vascular diseases. Caloric content is relatively high (about 650 calories per 100 g of nucleoli), but also a high level of saturation.

Since ancient times, walnut has been tacitly referred to as “male products.” Here is just a short list of the magical properties it possesses:

  1. Enhance mood.
    2. Influence on the development of the sex glands in men.
    3. Normalization of prostate function.
    4. Regulation of testosterone levels in the blood.

Boys have been taught to include them in their daily diet from the very young age. Now it is even scientifically proven that walnut is a stimulant of potency . An even stronger effect can be achieved if you use them with honey while adding sesame oil.

Rules of use

In order to experience the beneficial effects of walnuts on your body, you must include them in your daily diet. An adult will be enough 12 pieces per day. In addition to the above positive actions, you will also be able to normalize the work of your gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Have you ever thought about it before, why is walnut called that way? And is his homeland really Greece? This video will clearly show and tell the whole recipe of the appearance of a walnut on our table.

Folk recipes

The most common and successful combination is the use of walnuts with honey , because the interaction of these two components enhance their positive effect. This dessert is not only tasty, but also very useful – primarily to enhance immunity. Especially it is recommended for people with increased stress (both mental and physical).

The cooking recipe is unusually light. Peeled nut kernels are poured with liquid honey. There is one more variation: take chopped nuts, and then you get something like nut jam.

The only thing that needs to be remembered is the high caloric content of this tasty medicine: honey has 100 kcal per 100 g, and 650 kcal with nuts. Do not forget: if you are excited about your own figure, you should not use more than two tablespoons per day. It is recommended to eat one spoonful in the morning – as a charge of vivacity for the whole following day – and one more evening, to help the body during recovery.


There is another magic recipe, not only delicious, but also useful. Especially it is recommended to those people who are prone to low blood pressure. Figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins and walnut kernels are taken in equal proportions. All this is crushed and filled with honey. If desired, you can also add chopped lemon zest. Drink well – two tablespoons per day.

In addition to the nucleoli themselves, walnut partitioning also has useful properties . Traditional medicine recommends using a decoction or infusion of walnut septum with radiculitis, problems with the nervous system or low iodine levels (which can affect pressure, vision, and also provoke serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus and prostate adenoma).

The recipe for making tinctures is very simple. It is necessary to take partitions from twenty nuts and pour 200 ml of medical 70% alcohol on them. Store for 10 days in a dark and cool place. After the infusion is ready, it is filtered and ready for use.

Walnut shells can be used both as a cosmetic and as a medicine. For example, walnut shells cooked in milk are a great remedy for insomnia. A decoction of the shell on the water will help get rid of diarrhea.


Despite the fact that walnuts have practically no contraindications, there is still some danger in use. Unfortunately, excessive consumption of walnuts can not only affect those extra pounds (for people who have problems with the body’s fat metabolism), but also the work of the liver. In addition, they can sometimes cause an allergic reaction.

Use of walnut oil

For those who have problems with potency, also recommended walnut oil. Besides the fact that it has a general strengthening and restorative effect on all areas of the body, it is a powerful natural aphrodisiac. All this thanks to entymiriazu, which is part of it. Often the problem of potency is a consequence of excess weight, and this issue also solves walnut oil, which is a powerful burner of excess fat! It is enough to drink only one tablespoon of oil with meals in order to lose weight.

Even if it is hard for you to drink walnut oil in its raw form, you can always find alternative ways to use it. For example, you can fill them with salads or, on the basis of this oil, prepare homemade mayonnaise sauce. It also goes very well with quail eggs.

Walnut is an affordable and so useful tool! Introduce yourself as a rule to eat them every day and provide invaluable help to your body. It is better to be treated this way – with tasty, natural gifts, than to once again train yourself to medicines.