We get up with an alarm clock without harm to health


  • Why do not want to get up
  • The harmful “5 minutes”
  • How to ease the climb

“I’ll sleep a little more. At least five minutes! ”- who at least once in his life did not set the alarm to a later date in the early morning?

But to transfer the time of awakening is not only useless, but also dangerous. Consider how to wake yourself up with maximum tenderness and efficiency. But first, let us see why the morning “dz-zyn!” Alarm clock sometimes seems such a universal evil.

Why do not want to get up

Many are familiar with the phenomenon: at the weekend you wake up, suppose, at 7-8 o’clock in the morning – and you feel great, but if you set an alarm clock for about the same time on a weekday, the awakening will most likely be accompanied by curses. What is the reason?

Our body prepares to get out of sleep in much the same way as it does to quit: for some time before the hour the hormonal background changes, and with it the reaction throughout the body. In the morning, the body begins to prepare to wake up, approximately 50-60 minutes before the awakening occurs: the body temperature gradually increases, and a signal is sent from the brain to the adrenal cortex, where the biologically active hormone cortisol is produced. When these two basic parameters reach a certain level, we break out of the embrace of Morpheus.

But, unfortunately, the hormonal changes in our body are unknown to the rattling call. He often pulls out a sleeping person who is in a phase of slow sleep, also known as the phase of deep sleep. In this stage, a decrease in the heart rate, a slower metabolism and a decrease in body temperature are characteristic. For this reason, we are sure that the outside of the bed is cold, and the heat is only under a blanket that you don’t want to leave.

The harmful “5 minutes”

Not wanting to crawl out of the comfortable “lair”, many set the alarm to re-alert for 5 or 10 minutes ahead … and it happens, and wake up the right time.

It seems to us that we can sleep better, having fallen a little more … Alas, such logic does not work with sleep cycles. Rearranging the arrows, we again allow our body to begin diving into a deep sleep. “Tink-tink!” – and again throws us out of this phase of preparation. As a result, we get several terrible stressful awakening in the morning instead of one. There is a failure in the body and the so-called carotid inertia mechanism works. This condition is similar to drunkenness or hangover. There is a term for this state: “sleep intoxication.” Many, having woken up from the phase of deep sleep, feel weakness, heaviness in the muscles and the head, numbness.

Such a morning state after waking up is not natural and can be made much more comfortable and pleasant.


How to ease the climb

Of course, the ideal option would be to do without an alarm at all, waking up precisely when the body itself is ready for this. However, for many, such freedom is from the category of fiction: the educational institution and the office themselves will not go. And if one cannot wake up when the body wants it, it means that one must teach him to do it at the right time.

Doctors claim that it is easier than it seems: just set up your internal clock. In our brain, in the anterior sections of the hypothalamus, there is an area called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. It synchronizes the body’s biological clock, is responsible for the circadian rhythm – fluctuations in biological processes that are associated with the change of day and night. Among other things, the same area is responsible for fluctuations in body temperature and blood pressure.

Suprachiasmatic nucleus is a learning structure. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the regime: if you go to bed at the same time and wake up the same way, the brain remembers this and establishes a clear circadian rhythm tied to your habits.

On the installation and fixation of the circadian rhythm on average takes from 5 to 7 days.

Conclusion? Wake up exactly when the alarm clock rang, without “well, five more minutes!”. This will help the body to adjust the correct circadian rhythms, and within a few days, he himself, in advance and gently, will begin to prepare you for awakening at the right time.